BTCP Bible Training and Bible College: 
Dr. Dennis J. Mock is an ordained pastor, having served on staff from December 1984 until October 1995 at First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, as Minister of Adult Education and Minister of Bible Teaching and Training. After January 1989 his ministry primarily focused on BTCP, of which he is the founder and author of its 10 course curriculum.

This partnership between the Partner and LQUBE GLOBAL FOUNDATION is for the sole purpose of equipping the church through training its leaders.
He is providing valuable support for the BTCP training by supplying the necessary materials as and when required. We are grateful to Adrian Davidson for his dedication to making BTCP available across India.

Eligibility and Course of Study: 
A. Age limit set at 25 years and above
B. Emphasis on personal relationship with Christ
C. No educational qualification required
D. Must exhibit specific characteristics or qualities.
E. Addressing potential challenges
F. Highlighting opportunities for personal growth and contribution to ministry
G. Recap of age limit and requirements
H. Encouragement for individuals considering ministry at an advanced age

I. The BTCP Concept
J. Life-On-Life Equipping for Ministry
K. Provides the “irreducible minimum”
L. Trains students to properly handle the Word of God
M. Equips with knowledge and practical skills
N. Church-based, comprehensive education
O. Cross-denominational setting
P. Enables and encourages students to equip and train others
Q. Exhorts students to personal obedience and growth toward maturity in Christ
R. Focused on biblical principles, truths and concepts, not mere accumulation of knowledge
S. Promotes an ongoing process of assimilation of knowledge
T. No traditional measuring devices such as exams and term papers
U. Student motivation comes from a personal desire to be biblically equipped, not from grade point averages, or fear of failure on exams

Subjects will be Taught in the Course

  1. Methods and meaning of sacred scriptures
  2. Survey of the Old Testament
  3. Survey of the New Testament
  4. A Survey of Scriptural Preaching and Pastoral Ministry
  5. Biblical Doctrine Survey
  6. Personal spiritual life
  7. Congregation service, management and teaching
  8. Teaching methods and principles
  9. History of the congregation
  10. Missions, Outreach and Discipleship

These books are conventional because the material is intended to promote the traditional principles and practice of Christian theology. It provides a gentle introduction to the sacred scriptures.

This training is available in various locations in Maharashtra. Please contact us if you are interested in starting it for your church or organization. It provides excellent Bible training locally for those who want to learn the Holy Scriptures.